Volume 20 (2023), Issue 2

Archives > Volume 20 (2023) > Issue 2

DOI: 10.55521/10-020-200


Editorial: My Experience with Artificial Intelligence
Stephen M. Marson, Editor

Commentary from Russia/Ukraine: Part 2

Letter to the Editor
Stephen M. Marson & Donna DeAngelis, Editors

Changes at IJSWVE and Thank You
Stephen M. Marson, Editor, & Laura Gibson, Book Review Editor


Artificial Intelligence in Social Work: Emerging Ethical Issues
Frederic G. Reamer

Animal Ethics, Animal Welfare, and Speciesism: Considerations for Social Work
Paul J. Silberberg

Social Workers in the Social Housing Assistance Sector: Building the Ideal Housing Policy Principles
Ahmad Sururi

Social Workers, Regulation, and Social Justice: Tensions in Canadian Social Work
Ian G. Rice

Critical Conversations in Compensating Social Work Field Education: A Systematic Review
Katherine Drechsler, Candice C. Beasley & Melissa Indera Singh


Forum: Incorporating the Use of Generative Artificial Intelligence and Large Language Models into Publication Standards: A Call for Editorial Policy Based on Social Work Values
Dawn Apgar

Book Reviews

Androff, D. (2022). Refugee solutions in the age of global crisis: Human rights, integration, and sustainable development. Oxford University Press.
Reviewed by Joan M. Groessl

Murray, S. (2022). Community justice centres: New trajectories in law. Routledge.
Reviewed by MaryAnn Thrush

Reamer, F. G. (2023). Risk management in the behavioral health professions: A practical guide to preventing malpractice and licensing-board complaints. Columbia University Press.
Reviewed by Jeffrey Steen