Book Review Submission: All books reviews must be approved in advance by one of the two editors. Only books relevant to social work values and ethics will be reviewed. Book reviewers may propose a book for review. Book authors, of course, may not review their own work. Reviewers should refrain from agreeing to review any book with which they have a conflict of interest. Queries from reviewers regarding proposed book reviews should be e-mailed to Laura Gibson. Queries from publishers and/or authors regarding submission of review copies of books should also be e-mailed to Stephen M. Marson at the above address.
Format: All book reviews must be submitted in Word document format. See the manuscript guidelines for detailed formatting instructions.
Book Data: At the top of the review, the citation must be presented in accordance with APA style and a hotlink to the publisher or a book seller (i.e., must be provided. For example: Reamer, F. G. (2001). Tangled Relationships: Managing Boundary Issues in the Human Services. NY: Columbia University Press.
Content: It would be desirable if each review contained as a minimum:
(1) the author’s qualifications and perhaps any relevant previous work he/she has published as well as any pertinent information about him/her; (2) a description of the aim(s) of the book, its proposed audience, its organization, and its major thesis; and its usefulness for social work education and/or practice, especially as it relates to social work values and ethics space (3) a discussion of the book’s strengths and weaknesses.
Length: Reviews will typically run 500-1,500 words, but may exceed this length, if necessary. There is no need to either pad the review or feel cramped. Say what needs to be said.
Style: Reviews should be critical but non-polemical, pointing out the strengths as well as weaknesses of the work.
Identifying data: When reviewing a book, include your name and highest degree. If you are licensed or certified, include that information after your degree.