Archives > Volume 19 (2022) > Issue 1 > Item 04
DOI: 10.55521/10-019-104
International Journal of Social Work Values and Ethics • Volume 19(1), Copyright 2022 by IFSW
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I read this post on the BPD listserv in the US. This refreshing post was submitted by my friend and colleague, Professor Bruce Thyer. He gave me permission to reprint it here:
Happy New Year!
Last week, by chance or divine providence, I heard references to several social workers in the national news.
First, the Dean of the College of Social Work at Florida State University, Dr. Jim Clark, was appointed to be the University’s new Provost and Vice President for academic affairs. It is always good to see social workers having their competence as administrators recognized. FSU’s gain is a loss for our college.
Then on Morning Edition on NPR, over two days, I heard the voice of NYU social work Professor Deborah Padgett on a segment dealing with homelessness, one of her many areas of expertise. And later that week Dean Luis Zayas of the University of Houston, was featured on an NPR segment focused on immigration issues. And two additional hospital social workers (sorry I did not catch their names) were also a part of NPR segments on homelessness. Very nice disciplinary recognition.
Dear Steve,
I agree with you on principle, but it is important that we specify “human-subjects research” under a NASW IRB mandate. I do a lot of Census and other existing database research, and do not do IRB for that. Although I am zealously complying with IRB in any other research.
Elena Delavega, PhD, MSW
Professor & MSW Program Director
School of Social Work