Forum: Interpretation of the Canadian Association of Social Workers’ Code of Ethics as Penguin Comic

Archives > Volume 20 (2023) > Issue 1 > Item 16

DOI: 10.55521/10-020-116

Jenna Horback, Social Work Student
University of Calgary in Alberta, Canada

Horback, J. (2023). Forum: Interpretation of the Canadian Association of Social Workers’ Code of Ethics as Penguin Comic. International Journal of Social Work Values and Ethics, 20(1), 228-229. 10.55521/10-020-116

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I am a student in my first year at the University of Calgary in Alberta, Canada. The inspiration for this comic series came about through taking my first social work university course. We studied the Canadian Association of Social Workers Code of Ethics (2005) and were challenged to create a relatable interpretation of this Code of Ethics in whatever form of expression inspired us. My goal in creating this comic was to highlight real life examples of how to implement those ethics in social work practice. I chose penguins for their universal appeal and humorous effect, to soften the approach to a very serious topic.

My hope is that this comic will make you smile and introduce the Canadian Association of Social Work code of ethics to those who have yet to read it. Please enjoy!

Please find the comic as a separate file here [PDF, 27.8Mb].


CASW Code of Ethics. (2005). Canadian Association of Social Workers. Guidelines for Ethical Practice. (2005). Canadian Association of Social Workers.