Volume 20 (2023), Issue 1

Archives > Volume 20 (2023) > Issue 1

DOI: 10.55521/10-020-100


20th Anniversary Comments from our Editorial Boards
Stephen M. Marson

Commentary from Russia/Ukraine

Editorial: The National Clinical Social Work Examination – ASWB
Laura Groshong & Kendra C. Roberson

Editorial: Constructing a Globalized Society Without Gender Binaries and Comprehending Gender Variant Clients’ Pronouns
Ray Mathew-Santhosham

Editorial: Open Access – An Ethical Alternative to Use of Impact Factor When Making Decisions About Journal Selection
Dawn Apgar

Is Working with the Taliban Ethical?
Rory Truell

Letters to the Editor
Stephen M. Marson

Changes at IJSWVE and Thank You
Stephen M. Marson & Laura Gibson


Internet Searching of Client Information by Social Workers: Reckless or Required in Today’s Online Society?
Dawn Apgar & Thomas Cadmus

Professional Pledge in Social Work: Implications for Professional Identity and Value Integration
Neera Agnimitra & Seema Sharma

Equipoise: Ethical Considerations for Pregnancy Options Counseling
Jennifer C. Hollenberger & David K. Pooler

Feeling Competent isn’t Enough: The Social Worker’s Role in Creating Positive Space and Promoting Trans-Affirming Practices
Kristin Heffernan, Jason Dauenhauer & Nicole Cesnales

The Islamic Basis of Social Work in the Modern World
Abdulaziz Albrithen

Embracing Our Values: Social Work Faculty Progressivism in a Conservative World
Stephen W. Stoeffler, Brendan P. Young, & Michael W. Hassler


Forum: Nothing Can be Changed Until it is Faced: Social Work’s Licensing Justice Journey
Stacey Hardy-Chandler

Forum: Interpretation of the Canadian Association of Social Workers’ Code of Ethics as Penguin Comic
Jenna Horback

Book Reviews

Ylänne, V. (Ed.). (2022). Ageing and the media: International perspectives. Policy Press.
Reviewed by Laura Gibson

Armstrong, L., & Abel, G. (Eds.). (2021). Sex work and the New Zealand model: Decriminalization and social change. Bristol University Press.
Reviewed by Peggy Proudfoot Harman

Rosignoli, F. (2022). Environmental justice for climate refugees. Routledge.
Reviewed by Stephen M. Marson