Volume 11 (2014), Issue 1

Archives > Volume 11 (2014) > Issue 1

DOI: 10.55521/10-011-100


The Toxic Work Environment: A Question of Ethics
Laura Smith, MSW, LCSW


Web 2.0 in Social Work Macro Practice: Ethical Considerations and Questions
Katharine Hill, MSW, MPP, Ph.D.

Grade Inflation, Gatekeeping, and Social Work Education: Ethics and Perils
Gary Miller, MSW, M.A., Ph.D.

Guidelines for Social Workers’ Use of Social Networking Websites
Donalda Halabuza, Ph.D.

Father Involvement and Child Welfare: The Voices of Men of Color
Kilolo Brodie, MSW, Ph.D., Natasha Paddock, MSW, Christa Gilliam, MSW & Jackelin Chavez, B.A.

Toward a Context-Specific Definition of Social Justice for Social Work: In Search of Overlapping Consensus
Janice A. Gasker, DSW & Alice C. Fischer, A.B.

Social Work and Social Media: Reconciling Ethical Standards and Emerging Technologies
Kimberly Strom-Gottfried, Ph.D., LISW, Mary Shannon Thomas, MSW, LICSW & Hillary Anderson, MSW, LCSW

Infusing a New Ethical Decision-Making Model Throughout a BSW Curriculum
Connie M. Fossen, MSSW, Ed.D., Jennifer I. Anderson-Meger, MSSW, DSW & Debra A. Daehn Zellmer, MSW

Book Reviews

Callus, A. (2013). Becoming self-advocates: People with intellectual disability seeking a voice. Bern, Switzerland: Peter Lang.
Reviewed by Laura Gibson, Ph.D.

Krason, S. M. (2013). Child abuse, family rights, and the child protective system: A critical analysis from law, ethics, and Catholic social teaching. The Scarecrow Press, Inc.: Lanham, UK.
Reviewed by Wayne C. Evens, Ph.D.

Wolfer, T.A., Franklin, L.D., & Gray, K. A. (2013). Decision cases for advanced social work practice. New York: Columbia University Press.
Reviewed by Summer G. Stanley, Ph.D.

Rosenberger, J. B. (Ed.). (2014). Relational social work practice with diverse populations. New York, NY: Springer. Reviewed by Ann M. Callahan, Ph.D.

Landale, N. S., McHale, S. M., & Booth A. (Eds.). (2013). Families and child health. New York: Springer. Reviewed by Herbert I. Burson, Ph.D.

Robila, M. (Ed.). (2014). Handbook of family policies across the globe. New York, NY: Springer.
Reviewed by David H. Johnson, Ph.D.

Matto, H., Strolin-Goltzman, J., & Ballan, M. (Eds.). (2013). Neuroscience for Social Work: Current research and practice. New York: Springer. Reviewed by Peggy Proudfoot Harman, Ph.D.

South, J., White, J., & Gamsu, M. (2013). People-centred public health. Evidence for public health practice series. Great Britain, Policy Press.
Reviewed by J. Porter Lillis, Ph.D.

Roy, R. N., Schumm, W. R., & Britt, S. L. (2014). Transition to parenthood. New York, NY: Springer.
Reviewed by Rasby Marlene Powell, Ph.D.