Volume 17 (2020), Issue 1

Archives > Volume 17 (2020) > Issue 1

DOI: 10.55521/10-017-100


Stephen M. Marson, Ph.D., Editor

Editorial: Is the Impact Factor (IF) Ethical To Use for Promotion and Tenure Decisions?
Stephen M. Marson, Ph.D., Editor

Letters to the Editor

Changes at JSWVE and Thank you
Stephen M. Marson, Editor, and Laura Gibson, Book Review Editor


‘First They Came for the Socialists (USHMM)’
Stephanie Petrie, Ph.D.


Exploring the Relationship Between Ethics Stress and Burnout
Rachel A. Imboden, MSW, LSW

Social Work Ethics and Intercollegiate Student-Athlete Retention
Richard D. Weaver Jr., MSSW, and Jerry F. Reynolds II, LMSW

Patient Termination as the Ultimate Failure of Addiction Treatment
Izaak L. Williams, CSAC, and Edward Bonner, Ph.D.

Human-Animal Interaction in Social Work
Jordan Sterman, MSSA candidate, and Katharine Bussert, MSSA candidate

Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Adolescents
Veronica L. Hardy, Ph.D., Alice Kay Locklear, Ph.D., and April R. Crable, Ph.D.

Environmental Scan of Social Work’s Regulatory Response to the Illicit Drug Overdose Crisis in Canada
Bruce Wallace, MSW, Ph.D., and Jessica Kennedy, BSW

Book Reviews

Canda, E. R., et al. (2020). Spiritual diversity in social work practice: The heart of helping (3rd ed.). Oxford.
Reviewed by Nancy Keeton, Ph.D., LCSW

Cunningham, M., & De Saussure, J. (2019). Dancing the labyrinth: Spirituality in the lives of women. Oxford University Press.
Reviewed by Bertha Ramona Saldana De Jesus, DSW, MSW

Metzger, M. W., & Webber, H. S. (Eds.). (2019). Facing segregation: Housing policy solutions for a stronger society. Oxford University Press.
Reviewed by Peter A. Kindle, Ph.D., CPA, LMSW

Park, Y. (2020). Facilitating injustice: The complicity of social workers in the forced removal and incarceration of Japanese Americans, 1941-1946. Oxford University Press.
Reviewed by D. Lynn Jackson, Ph.D., LCSW, ACSW

Reyes Mason, L., & Rigg, J. (Eds.). (2019). People and climate change: Vulnerability, adaptation, and social justice. Oxford. Reviewed by Joan Groessl, Ph.D., LICSW

Sacks, T. K. (2019). Invisible visits: Black middle-class women in the American healthcare system. Oxford University Press.
Reviewed by J. Porter Lillis, Ph.D