Volume 07 (2010), Issue 2

Archives > Volume 07 (2010) > Issue 2

DOI: 10.55521/10-007-200


A Dedication to Lisa Gebo
by Steve Marson, Ph.D.

Letter to the editor


Affective learning: A taxonomy for teaching social work values
Karen Neuman Allen, Ph.D., ACSW, LMSW & Bruce D. Friedman, Ph.D., ACSW, CSWM, LCSW

The NASW Code of Ethics under Attack: A Manifestation of the Culture War Within the Profession of Social Work
Sarah Buila

Conflict Between Professional Ethics and Practice Demands: Social Workers’ Perceptions
Nancy Gallina, Ph.D.

Social Work, Morally Relevant Properties, and Paternalism: Why Social Workers Need to Know Moral Theory
Caroline E. Reid, MSW, C. Kamper Floyd, MA & Valerie Bryan, PhD

Research with Vulnerable Groups: Collaboration as an Ethical Response
Catherine Sherlock, Lecturer & Dr. Clare Thynne

Book Reviews

Kushner, T. (2010). Surviving Health Care: A Manual for Patients and Their Families. NY: Cambridge.
Reviewed by Ann M. Callahan, PhD, MSSW, LCSW

Butera, F. & Levine J. (Eds) (2009) Coping With Minority Status: Responses to Exclusion and Inclusion. Cambridge University Press, 2009.
Reviewed by Michael Spivey

Lieberman, A. (2010). Women in Social Work Who Have Changed the World. Chicago: Lyceum Books, Inc.
Reviewed by Rasby Marlene Powell, Ph.D.

Seccombe, K. (2011). So You Think I Drive a Cadillac? Welfare Recipients’ Perspectives on the System and its Reform, 3rd Edition. Boston: Pearson/Allyn & Bacon.
Reviewed by Peter A. Kindle, Ph.D, CPA, LMSW

Healy, L. (2008): International Social Work Professional Action in an Interdependent World, 2nd ed. New Oxford University Press
Reviewed by Angelika Groterath, Ph.D.

Garfinkel, I., Rainwater, L. & Smeeding, T. (2010). Wealth & welfare states: Is America a laggard or leader? New York: Oxford University Press.
Reviewed by Laura Gibson, PhD, MSW, LCSW

Franklin, S. (2010). The Psychology of Happiness: A Good Human Life. Cambridge. NY: Cambridge University Press.
Reviewed by John R. Bowman, Ph.D.