Review Criteria 1: The manuscript’s discussion of social work values and/or ethics

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Criteria one asks the reviewer to consider the manuscript’s discussion of social work values and/or ethics. Based on your knowledge of social work values and ethics, ask yourself, does the author focus explicitly on issues related to social work values and/or ethics, or is this content tangential to the discussion? 

Ethical topics are easy to acknowledge. However, values issues tend to be more abstract.  We do accept manuscripts that address the topic of social work values. Does the author merely insert brief references to the words values and ethics, or does she or he explore these concepts – which are at the heart of the journal’s mission – in depth and with real focus?

Although the manuscript has been assessed for compliance with the journal’s mission statement, if you believe that the objective of the paper is inconsistent with the journal’s mission, check NO at the top of the review form and return the manuscript. 

My concern is that manuscripts which have a focus on social work values are commonly rejected when compared to manuscripts focusing on ethics. Remember, our journal focuses on both ethics and values.

Seasoned reviewers, who have intimate knowledge of the subject matter, may envision a topic as merely a rehash of information.  While another reviewer, who may be new to the field, might see the topic as new and refreshing. When reviewing the manuscript, consider our international audience. Replication is the strongest argument for factual accuracy.